Hillsborough County Property Appraiser’s Office Mailing All Property Owners Truth in Millage (TRIM) Notices

Dear property owners of Hillsborough County,

The Hillsborough County Property Appraiser’s Office will be mailing all property owners in the county individualized notices of proposed taxes in mid-August, also known as Truth in Millage (TRIM) notices.

This notice is not a bill, but rather an estimate of your taxes based on the proposed millage rates by the local taxing authorities, your property’s market value, and any exemptions. Please be aware the notice will not include any non-ad valorem taxes that could be associated with your property, such as paving services, storm water, and solid waste collection and disposal.

It is important to review your notice carefully to make sure all the information is correct. The review period for the proposed property taxes is 25 days from the mailing of your notice. During this time, if you believe your property’s value has been assessed incorrectly, you may file an appeal with the Value Adjustment Board. Before taking that step, however, we encourage you to please contact the HCPA for a review, either by email at [[email protected]][email protected], or by phone at (813) 272-6100.

Here are important points to remember about your notice of proposed taxes:

  • The notice is not a bill.
  • The notice will include your property’s proposed tax rates, as well as the previous year’s rates.
  • The notice will not include any non-ad valorem taxes.
  • The notice will include your property’s parcel number, address, and estimated market value.
  • You can view your property’ assessment details online at the HCPA website, hcpafl.org.
  • If you have any questions about your notice, you can contact the Property Appraiser’s office by phone (813-272-6100) or email ([[email protected]][email protected]).

Thank you!


Bob “Coach” Henriquez, CFA

Hillsborough County Property Appraiser

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