Microsense Chief Product Officer, Gautam Swaminathan recently spoke at the Elevate, Inc. board meeting on October 2nd. With over 35 years of experience serving over 10 million guests, Microsense is enhancing the hospitality experience one hotel at a time.
As new technologies emerge and develop, businesses are utilizing these technologies to streamline internal processes and provide unique experiences to hotel guests. The team at Microsense is helping hotels around the world to adopt these technologies in ways that make sense for them. From Wi-Fi to bespoke application development, everything Microsense offers comes together to create a 5-star hospitality experience.
In the hospitality industry, customized experiences are more important than ever. With a wide array of hotels to choose from, guests expect the best. L3TV, an Over the top Television experience provides a hotel-branded experience to guests, allowing them to access information about the hotel in one convenient spot. L3TV gives all generations, from Baby boomers to Gen-Z’s the entertainment they are looking for by connecting directly to applications such as Netflix and YouTube, as well providing HD television through a partnership with DirectTV.
When it comes to Wi-Fi, guests expect high-speed and easy to use. Microsense provides advanced systems to keep hotel operations running quickly and easily while giving guests the experience they are looking for. With internet leased line and bandwidth, hotels can expect 99.9% uptime and a network that manages itself.
A digital concierge experience allows guests to ask for amenities through systems such as Alexa and Google Home. Single touch functions also allow guests to request room service as well as control heating and cooling for a customized room experience. All Microsense technologies are easy to use, and integrate seamlessly into a hotel’s current systems.
Microsense is innovating the hospitality industry and providing guests the ultimate experience. For more information visit their website here.