Elevate’s Feburary 15th, 2012 Newsletter

Dear Friends,

We hope that you are recovered from Valentine’s Day!
We can’t thank you enough for the kind remarks we’ve received since forming our company. If you missed it, this great Tampa Bay Business Journal article kicked off our official launch on February 1, 2012.
As you know, we at Elevate live by the motto Learn, Connect, Grow. In today’s eNewsletter, we wanted to give you a brief glance how Elevate has implemented it’s motto thus far.
Our President Aakash M. Patel is also the co-founder of the Leaders’ Friday Luncheon group. This group brings together various community leaders monthly to LEARN about their impact in the Tampa Bay Area. On February 3, the group welcomed Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn as well as Colonel Lenny J. Richoux, Commander, 6th Air Mobility Wing of MacDill Air Force Base among their guests. Both well respected gentleman educated the other co-hosts and guests about issues that are positively changing our community.
At Elevate, we not only want to CONNECT our clients with the right people, we also want to CONNECT our community to Elevate. As a result, our President Aakash M. Patel teamed up with LFL Co-Founder Shilen Patel & addressed the 3rd Annual Florida Student Summit. The topic was “Networking and Challenges of being a Young Entrepreneur.” The two entrepreneurs addressed and connected with a crowd of 100 students from 20 different universities around the bay area.
Each month, we would like to highlight a unique event making a difference in Tampa Bay. This Friday marks the start of the 3rd Annual India International Film Festival Elevate is proud to be a sponsor of this event that has helped GROW the cultural diversity in the community. Click here to learn more.
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