Attracting Customers with Gamification

priatek_gamificationAs technology has become key to business growth, simple innovation is not enough for brands to survive. Brands must now think and act differently when it comes to innovating around new products and services for their customers. This includes new ways to advertise and get attention, along with a strong online presence.

Priatek, a local prized-based advertising company, is now bringing gamification to businesses in Tampa and the surrounding areas. On December 15, they hosted a presentation at the Centre Club to a group of entrepreneurs, business owners, and technology veterans demonstrating how their technology is revolutionizing the advertising industry.

During the presentation, Milind Bharvirkar, President of Priatek, demonstrated why traditional advertising mediums may not always be cost effective for companies, especially small to mid-sized businesses. Priatek has solved that problem with their in2win prize kiosks.  Through Priatek, companies can set a budget and are only charged when consumers directly engage with their prize ads. Mr. Bharvirkar expressed the importance for companies to adopt a gamification mindset to create an advertising model that helps them not only survive, but thrive.

Attendees of the presentation were able to experience Priatek’s in2win prize kiosk in action. In traditional game show fashion, one of the event’s attendees, Kelly Charles-Collins, Partner at Smoak Christolini Barnett’s Tampa office, ran to the front of the room and played to win great prizes. One of the games she played was similar to Guitar Hero and after she played, she immediately received a voucher for a $25 gift card.

The in2win kiosk experience created a huge buzz during the presentation. Priatek’s gamification advertising model resonated with the attendees, so much so that many of the attendees downloaded the app and were playing before they made it to the parking lot.

To see how you can grow your business through gamification, visit Priatek’s website here.

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