Aakash Patel Featured on Debra Evans in the Morning!

aakash-on-debra-evansAakash Patel, a young entrepreneur and the Founder of Elevate, Inc. was featured on Debra Evans in the Morning. Debra Evans is a nationally known author and speaker, who brings her national platform weekday mornings from 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. on Inspiration Station AM 1110, Tampa’s first Christian station.

Aakash shares his story and experience of being a young entrepreneur in Tampa Bay. Four years ago he founded his company, Elevate, Inc. and has seen the business take off in many ways. He goes on to explain that Elevate, Inc. helps start-ups and re-locating companies along with young entrepreneurs learn, connect, and grow within the Tampa Bay Community. Aakash goes on to discuss the various ways Elevate, Inc. #HelpsOurCity and clients.

Elevate, Inc. is going outside the bounds of business and finding ways to #HelpingOurCity every day. Aakash explains that Elevate, Inc. is constantly involved with nonprofits and constantly works to connect clients with nonprofits and organizations that best-fits their interests. He provides a specific example with Elevate, Inc. client, Benzer Pharmacy. Debra Evans previously hosted Alpesh Patel, the President of Benzer Pharmacy on her show. Aakash explains that Benzer Pharmacy offers a great opportunity to single mothers whom, if they wrap their cars, will receive $240 per month. This generous opportunity makes a huge impact in a family’s income!

Aakash explains other ways that Elevate, Inc. helps their clients expand their businesses and increase their growth and opportunity. When businesses meet with him and an Elevate, Inc. liaison, they would discuss which organizations would be the best to reach out to and join. This could be the different chamber within the area, nonprofits, other professional groups, etc. Aakash explains that the Elevate, Inc. team is always out-and-about within the community and is able to assess the organizations in the community. Thus, Elevate, Inc. takes clients to various events and then helps evaluate which organizations may be best to become involved in for their companies.

Finally, Aakash describes his love and passion for the Tampa Bay Community. He explains that it is easy to become involved and to really thrive within the community. Aakash also adds how he is #HelpingOurCity as the Chair of Hillsborough County’s Early Learning Coalition, which he was appointed by Governor Scott. Accordingly, Elevate, Inc. fully believes that return in involvement is a return on investment. The more that a business is involved and becoming exposed, the more relationships are built, thus, the more successful a business will be!

Learn more about ways Elevate, Inc. may assist you and your business! Also stay up-to-date by following Elevate, Inc. on Twitter and Facebook!

Also, be sure to read more about Debra Evans in the Morning and

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