RevStar Consulting CEO Ken Pomella Presents at Elevate Inc. Board Meeting

Elevate Inc. was proud to have RevStar Consulting CEO Ken Pomella present to the Elevate Inc. Advisory Board meeting on December 3rd. RevStar Consulting is a custom software development firm headquartered in Tampa. RevStar Consulting has ten years of industry experience & Mr. Pomella has experience in enterprise technology leadership as well as several successful entrepreneurial endeavors in the technology realm.

During the presentation, Mr. Pomella discussed the multiple services RevStar Consulting offers such as custom enterprise software design, web design, user interface & design, web application development, mobile application design, integrations, automations, cloud based services, blockchain, data & analytics analysis, and fractional CIO services. RevStar offers digital services for any type or size of business, from a multinational company with thousands of employees to a startup with a small team. He went on to describe the partnership approach Revstar Consulting takes with its clients to provide flexible timelines and support for its products throughout the implementation process.

Mr. Pomella also discussed the importance of community involvement, mentioning RevStar’s contributions to Disrupt the Bay, a tech oriented charity event geared at fighting pediatric cancer, and his personal involvement in local organizations dedicated to volunteering with children as a mentor. “Being a part of the Tampa Bay business community and having lived in the area for over a decade, I have felt it was very important to donate my time and expertise to local charitable organizations. With Tampa’s growing tech footprint, we have an opportunity to have a huge positive impact on the people in this community and I plan to have RevStar Consulting lead by example.”

RevStar Consulting is one business in Tampa Bay dedicated to #HelpingOurCity!

If you are interested in learning more about RevStar Consulting or having them #RevUpYourBusiness please go to:

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