The mission at the Indo-US Chamber is to “provide an active forum in which Asian American professionals and business owners, through an exchange of ideas, with a unified voice, can communicate, interact, and secure a position within the business industry and become a source of inspiration by promoting professionalism and excellence through education and community involvement.” The Indo-US Chamber hosts a networking event every third Wednesday of the month with a featured speaker bringing expertise amongst a diverse group of professionals.
The purpose of this month’s Indo-US Chamber was to celebrate and support International Women’s Day. This event included a panel of local female movers and shakers within various facets of the community. The panel included Rita Lowman, Chief Operating Officer at Pilot Bank, Dr. Renuka Ramappa, Obstetrics and Gynecologist, Asha Terminello, Chief Operating Officer at Agency for Community Treatment Services, Natasha Nascimento, Chief Executive Officer at Redefining Refuge, and Sharmila Seth, Co-Founder of Children Across Borders. The Emcee for this panel was Alexis Mueller, Editor for the Tampa Bay Business Journal and the Moderator was Roshni Hannon VP of Communications at the Indo-US and Story Architect for Mad Bear Productions.
All of these women have one thing is common – they all have incredible stories and have contributed their talents and expertise to not only the community, but in many cases nationally and internationally. The theme for the panel was “Mindfulness – Putting Passion into Action”. Roshni opens up by discussing the meaning of passion and how to use passion as a driving force to empower ourselves to pursue something that brings us happiness and purpose. Each panelist was able to provide insight into their successes and how they were able to achieve it through resilience and endurance.
Another essential theme discussed was the topic of health, pertaining to both mental and physical wellbeing. It is important for an individual to maintain a healthy lifestyle to nourish oneself because there is no way that a person can help others if they are not at their best mental and physical capability. When both mind and body work together, there is greater possibility for maintaining the strength that is required to pursue ones passion.
All of the panelists have very similar characteristics that have contributed to their achievement within their respective sectors. They are innovative, determined, hardworking, and most importantly, passionate. Their stories are inspiring and have lead to great change not only locally, but both nationally and internationally and exemplify why we celebrate International Women’s Day.
Learn more about Indo-US Tampa Chamber of Commerce!
Also, read more about International Women’s Day!