Elevate, Inc. Senior Account Executive Chris Melvin Gives Back to the Community through the Alzheimer’s Association’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s

At Elevate, Inc., we place a premium on giving back to our community. We are proud to highlight our Senior Account Executive Chris Melvin’s efforts to get involved with the Alzheimer’s Association’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Normally, this event is held in person but this year’s will be hosted virtually. Held annually in more than 600 communities nationwide, the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s is the world’s largest fundraiser for Alzheimer’s care, support and research. Between 2000 & 2018, deaths from Alzheimer’s have gone up 146% & Alzheimer’s is the 6th leading cause of death in the US. Volunteering for this event was also personal; Chris has felt the effects of Alzheimer’s on his family when his grandfather fell ill with the disease. “It was difficult watching my grandfather, who was a brilliant engineer for Monsanto, an avid golfer, & an excellent chess player, begin to lose the memories that made him who he was, to the point of needing full time supervision. He began to forget his relationship with people in our family. I know the impact it had on my family & I feel compelled to get involved and do my part to raise awareness about this horrific disease.”

The Alzheimer’s Association’s:

  • Provides care and support to all those facing Alzheimer’s.
  • Online message boards through ALZConnected.
  • In-person support groups, connecting those facing the disease with a network of help in their community.
  • A free nationwide 24/7 Helpline (800.272.3900) offering information and referrals.
  • Drives research toward treatment, prevention and, ultimately, a cure.
  • Currently investing over $208 million in 590 active best-of-field projects in 31 countries.
  • Brings the global research community together to tackle common challenges, such as the first new diagnostic guidelines for Alzheimer’s in 27 years.
  • Drives support for transformational projects such as the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network Trials Unit (DIAN-TU).
  • Speaks up for the needs and rights of people affected by Alzheimer’s.
  • Helps to pass landmark legislation such as the National Alzheimer’s Project Act, which mandated a national plan to fight Alzheimer’s.
  • Works to ensure federal policy reflects the urgency of the Alzheimer’s crisis, resulting in unprecedented funding increases, including a historic $425 million increase.
  • Recruits and trains hundreds of thousands of advocates to ensure that Alzheimer’s disease cannot be ignored.

If you are interested in donating to the Alzheimer’s Association mission or want to get involved as a volunteer, check out their website here: https://bit.ly/3cvkDiu



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