Bob Hyde Speaks on His 22 Years of Active Military Service to Grow Financial Position

Bob Hyde started off his radio interview on That Business Show talking about the challenges that arise during a military transition. Hyde recently retired his commission as a naval officer after 22 years of active service, most recently with Special Operations Command. “I’m thankful for Grow Financial for giving me the opportunity,” explains Hyde. “They recognize that experienced professionals posses soft skills, and the technical skills can be learned along the way.”

Bob joined Grow Financial Federal Credit Union team as Vice President – Enterprise Risk Management. In this role, he oversees the comprehensive Enterprise Risk Management program by working with senior leadership in the development and implementation of risk strategy, governance, management, quantification and interdependencies to optimize company goals and results. He also oversees the business continuity and disaster recovery planning as well as all security programs.

“Grow Financial has been around for almost 60 years but it started as MacDill Federal Credit Union,” Hyde explains. “About 10 years ago, MacDill Federal rebranded into Grow Financial Federal Credit Union, to show their broadening customer base.”

Did you miss this radio interview? Watch Robert Hyde’s interview on That Business Show.

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