Your6 Partners with Elevate, Inc

Elevate, Inc. is proud to announce its partnership with Your6. As a technology company focused on talent acquisition, Your6’s mission is to revolutionize the outdated hiring process and aid military veterans in career transitions. Located in Austin, TX, Your6 is expanding their operations to Tampa, FL.

Founded by decorated military veterans and proven corporate executives, Your6 is assisting military veterans in pursuing civilian careers, helping them rediscover their purpose utilizing the skills they acquired in the military. The post military transition can be difficult. The team at Your6 helps veterans to navigate this transition, helping them understand how their strengths fit into civilian careers. Through the use of data, Your6 aims to humanize the hiring process, connecting companies with candidates that are the best fit.

In addition to helping military veterans, the team is helping businesses hire the best employees and helping candidates align with companies that lead to fulfilling and successful careers. Utilizing their specialized data, Your6 is able to provide a 360-degree view of candidate’s strengths, weaknesses and capabilities, allowing businesses to hire the right candidate for their position. The Your6 team understands that people are more than just their resume, and businesses must get the full picture in order to find the best match.

“We are excited to partner with Elevate, Inc., not only assist with Tampa businesses in growing but also reating a positive change in how we hire talent”

For more information on how Your6 can help you connect with the right position, or help your business find the best qualified candidates, check out their website here.


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