Undersea Oxygen Clinic Offers CME Trainings

Undersea Oxygen Clinic is #HelpingOurCity one training at a time. The first week of every other month the team at Undersea Oxygen Clinic holds a Category 1 CME (Continuing Medical Education) training at their Clinic. The trainings last 4 days, Monday through Friday, and include a 40-hour course teaching about all the aspects of Hyperbaric medicine.

The Undersea Oxygen Clinic course is a Category 1 course, which is the higheset level and is the same education that you get in medical school. These trainings are for physicians, registered nurses, paramedics, respiratory therapists, and other positions in the medical industry. After the course the participants are able to practice and prescribe Hyperbaric medicine. Undersea Oxygen Clinic doesn’t just teach the course at their Clinic, but also offers the course throughout the United States and around the world. Some locations they’ve gone to and taught at are Toledo, OH, Charlottesville, VA, West Palm Beach, FL and Las Vegas, NV. Mario Caruso, CHT-A, DMT, EMT-P and Joseph Dituri, PhD, DMT, CDR have also lectured on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and medicine in Italy, Russia, Chine, and other locations around the globe.

Undersea Oxygen Clinic is holding 3 more trainings in 2019. The dates of these trainings are August 5th-8th, October 7th-10th, and December 2nd-5th. Check out their site today to see how you can be involved in their upcoming trainings and events.

“At Undersea Oxygen Clinic, we are proud to be a full service education provider for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and diving medicine. We understand the vast amount of benefits of this therapy and aim to teach the students in the course as much as we can so they can then preform such a great service to those in need.” – Mario Caruso


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