Elevate Inc. Welcomes The ANR Clinic

Our team at Elevate Inc. is pleased to welcome the ANR Clinic aboard. ANR stands for Accelerated Neuro-Regulation. A medical procedure that accelerates and eliminates the withdrawal syndromes and cravings of opioid dependency. It is for this very reason that the ANR Clinic is at the very forefront of the battle against opioid dependency. Having performed over 24,000 successful treatments, the ANR Clinic is here to offer unique medical and scientific methods to completely cure people of their drug dependency

Dr. Waismann is the developer of the ANR Treatment which has become one of the most powerful treatments in the battle of reversing opioid dependency. Dr. Waismann has directed centers in Israel and Switzerland and is now in the United Sates to educate the public about the fight against opioid addiction. ANR opened their very first centers in Naples and Gainesville but have recently settled their headquarters in our community of Tampa Bay.

“It is my job to reach them where they are. In my field, there is no judgement. Our clients will experience the benefits of modern medicine. My mission is to make people healthy, no matter who they are.” – ANR Clinic, Dr. Waismann.

Dr. Waismann and his experienced team at the ANR Clinic work to draw attention to this ongoing battle in communities around the world and in our very own community of Tampa Bay. To learn more about the work they do, visit their homepage at: www.anrclinic.com



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