Tampa-based Patient Engagement Platform eRemede’s Proven Leadership Team

One of the secrets to Ben Sever & eRemede’s growth? eRemede hires career CEOs with a proven track record of success to lead every department. From their advisory board to the C-Suite, eRemede has constructed a nationally renowned, talent-dense team. Boasting both local and global business operators consisting of serial entrepreneurs, medical thought leaders, project management professionals, enterprise technologists, Ivy League engineers and military veterans operations experts. For example, eRemede’s Head of Enterprise Agility, Maria Matarelli, has led Agile implementations around the world as the CEO of Chicago-based firm Formula Ink. “When Ben set the standard to certify every department in scrum, I knew they were going to disrupt cultural efficiency and set records going to market.” —Maria Matarelli, CEO Formula Ink.

Currently, eRemede is the only HIPAA compliant mobile-first platform to come to the enterprise market in under one year. This is a monumental accomplishment that Ben Sever had his eyes set on when he started the company. “Coming from an enterprise software background in New York, I knew all department heads had to speak the same cohesive language in order to move the needle forward every day. Too many companies lack transparency and collaboration which ultimately leads to slow delivery times or missed milestones. We’ve removed that possibility with a culture of Agility”.

In addition to his duties at eRemede Ben Sever serves as the CEO of MBP Ventures, Champa Bay Sports, and RGA Institute and has defined himself as a pillar of the Tampa Bay community committed to Tampa’s local innovation ecosystem, local economic development efforts, and start-up atmosphere. His passion for and emphasis on leadership shows through in everything eRemede does.

For more information about the exciting work Ben and eRemede are doing in the community, be sure to visit their website: https://eremede.com/






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