Revstar CEO Ken Pomella recently spoke to a packed house at Centre Club’s January Breakfast with an Executive. RevStar is a cloud app development firm that helps businesses build secure, scalable, and cost effective applications on the cloud. Ken discussed how he grew his business and how his experience at a bigger firm gave him the insight needed to launch Revstar. He gave many insights to business leaders present regarding the need to be flexible and adaptable to change saying “Don’t lose sight of being dynamic. Don’t be tied to how things have always been done. When your company doubles in size every year what true January 1st of this year may not be in the next year.”
Ken also emphasized the importance of giving back to the community. “Giving back to the community and using the platform of having my own business to give back and do good makes all of the hard work worth it.” Ken mentors computer science students at HCC and works with organizations like Think Big For Kids.
When asked where he’d be in 5 years, Ken speculated maybe he’d be ready to sell by then but that he wants to continue to grow here in Tampa and continue RevStar’s expansion into Austin Texas. Ken concluded his chat by telling us his greatest success through RevStar was being able to maintain the high standard of integrity at his business and through his management team.