Outstanding Leadership Displayed at Sunshine Bank

Elevate, Inc. is thrilled to work alongside Sunshine Bank’s leadership team to highlight the growth and success of Sunshine Bank to the Tampa Bay community and beyond. Sunshine Bank first opened its doors in 1954 as 1st Federal Savings and Load Association, located in Plant City, Florida. In 2014, the current name of Sunshine Bank was adopted. After converting from the mutual form of organization to the stock form, Sunshine Bancorp, Inc. was formed in 2014 as the holding company for Sunshine Bank. (The common stock is traded on the NASDAQ Capital Market under the symbol “SBCP.”)

Most thriving businesses have a short list of key values, truths that bind a team together, leading them towards a unified goal. Sunshine Bank is different.

Sunshine Bank has not only a few key values, but an entire booklet titled “Building a Strong Foundation For the Future” that fully explains the depths of their mission, values, priorities, strategic objectives, leadership model and rules of engagement.<--break->

After putting over 1 million dollars into a beautiful, newly renovated facility and doubling their numbers of employees to a grand total of 112, Sunshine Bank is rocking and rolling! Andrew Samuel, President and CEO, continues to lead the charge to treat all people with the utmost respect; including the contractor, business partner, mailman, current clients and beyond.

“The leadership is the best thing about Sunshine Bank,” Michelle Kounlavong, Sunshine Bank’s Marketing Director explains. “It’s rare and it’s a big deal that the entire leadership team practices what is described in the Foundation Booklet daily.”

The bank also invests their time and money in cultural training. Service Hours perpetuate the culture through interactive games and discussion. Leadership Hour encourages Sunshine’s servant-leadership model – the idea that you can’t lead others well unless you first know how to serve others well.

To learn more about Sunshine Bank and their service offerings, check out their website http://www.mysunshinebank.com or see which of their 8 locations is closest to you!

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