LED Lighting as a Service (LEDaaS) Now Offered By New Venture Development, LLC

New Venture Development, LLC. (“NVD”) offers a LED Lighting as a service (LEDaaS).

NVD LEDaaS provides comprehensive, turnkey, energy efficient lighting solutions enabling customers to save up to 50% on lighting portion of their energy bill, and depending on the project size, no upfront cost ($0.00).

How We Do it:

  1. Perform initial area lighting and energy audit;
  2. Submit proposal that summarizes the LED project and LEDaaS economic feasibility;
  3. Perform a measurement and verification (M&V) audit to verify energy savings;
  4. LEDaaS credit application completed and submitted for client review and approval;
  5. LEDaaS Agreement prepared, reviewed, and executed; and
  6. LEDaaS lighting project scheduled, installed, and operational.

Product and Service benefits delivered to facility owners and operators:

  • Reduction in energy bills through more effective lighting.
  • Less Energy Usage.
  • Improved area lighting can improve employee productivity, employee satisfaction, and create a more inspiring environment.
  • Safer day to day Operations.

To learn more, please contact:

Geoffrey Nichols

Sales Associate

St. Petersburg, FL

Email:    [email protected]

Phone:   323.314.7750



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