Engage Behavioral Health: Special Programs, Special Results!

“It takes a village to raise a child,” they say. For many who have lived with or assisted a child with autism, Aspergers, ADHD or other behavioral challenges, you know this is especially true. Engage Behavioral Health is ready to serve not only the children in need, but their families as well.  Engage Behavioral Health’s staff works together as a team to be the ultimate support system. Founder and CEO, Jennifer Phelps stated, “We’ve developed specific programs to cater to the individual needs of our children and join our parents in the journey by offering multiple special programs that focus on the particular needs of our clients.” Find out more about Engage Behavioral Health’s specialty programs below!

• The Toilet Training Program customizes a personal plan for your child. Then, staff will travel directly to your home for specialized sessions, so that your child can practice in their usual environment. Engage Behavioral health is proud to say that this program has a 100% success rate and parents typically see remarkable results one week after they begin the program!

• Engage Behavioral Health also offers Specialty Programs for Parents, realizing that parenting is a full time job and everyone needs a break once in awhile. Programs such as Parents’ Night Out, Behavioral Babysitting, and Academic Tutoring are available for parents to feel safe about their child’s care. Parents’ Night Out is a service offering once a month to allow parents to leave their children at one of our locations from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. so they can enjoy an evening to themselves. Behavioral Babysitting was developed for parents to leave their children in the care of highly trained professionals. All babysitters are CPR certified and certified to care for children and adolescents with special needs. The Academic Tutoring program utilizes principles of Applied Behavioral Analysis to increase academic success and comprehension. Tutors are available for all ages and can take place wherever your child learns best. Family Therapy Services is available for clients to seek help regarding the challenges of raising a child with special needs.

• Do you have a picky eater? Consider the Feeding Behavioral Therapy Program. This program is recommended to take place twice a week in your home, using a system to give your child preferred food and non-preferred food. Once the child takes a bite of their non-preferred food, they are allowed to take a bite of their preferred food as a reward. Parents are vital to the success of this program to insure their child’s progression lasts over time.

• Engage Behavioral Health regularly hosts workshops that provide education and resources on how to improve the care of children that have special needs. Natural Environment Training allows children to learn through the use of toys and novel activities. A quiet, individual workspace helps develop the ability needed to interact in a classroom.Learning for Life Academy is a special education school that provides year-round teaching for children with autism and other developmental delays. This assists the children in having an extra push to reach their full potential.

Through these specialty programs, Engage Behavioral Health continues to make a big difference in the lives of many families!

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