Is Your Emergency Gate Access System Keeping First Responders Out? GateWorx, Inc. Has Your Solution!

Mechanized gates and access control systems are implemented at most condominiums, gated communities, apartment buildings, and other municipal buildings throughout Florida. Some locations have security personnel on site; however, most gates are completely automated. While automated gates often deter criminals and trespassers, they can also keep out first responders attempting to reach someone in need. Most readers of this blog have had negative experiences while attempting to enter through an automated gate system. Now imagine this is the case, but the failure occurs when a first responder is trying to reach a heart attack victim or apprehend a criminal. Precious moments can be lost due to miscommunication or malfunctioning technology.

One recent method of gate access has been increasing in popularity due to its convenience and ease of use. This method is the Click-2-Enter System. This technology allows public safety officials to access a gated residence by simply clicking their radio. No longer do property managers have to organize multiple keys, codes, or calls to dispatch. No longer must strobe lights, or sirens be used to access a building, disturbing other residences. Among Click-2-Enter’s proponents are agencies such as the U.S. Border Patrol, which uses the Click-2-Enter technology to access gates built into the fencing along international borders.

Amongst companies hoping to bring this technology to the forefront of the gated access realm is GateWorx, Inc., the experts in gate systems and access control. GateWorx designs, fabricates, installs, repairs and maintains integrated access systems. GateWorx is also an exclusive distributor and installer of Click-2-Enter. Ordinances are being passed throughout Florida regarding access device controls and GateWorx is dedicated to not only solving the issues that come with gate access, but also raising awareness of these issues. Unfortunately, some property managers do not consider emergency access procedures for first responders a high priority until a problem arises.

There are other methods for emergency access to mechanical gates, all of which require additional equipment to be purchased and maintained by the police, fire, and ambulatory services; furthermore, every other emergency access method employs additional steps that waste precious time when every second counts. The Click-2-Enter is the only system that does not require addition equipment to be purchased by first responders and is operated by the hand-held radio that is carried by all first responders at all times. The Click-2-Enter allows for cross over between local, county, and state level first responders, meaning that the closest branch of first response to the emergency, right when the emergency is called into dispatch, can open the gate without a key, a pass code, turning on their sirens, or hoping conditions are conducive for a strobe relay.

As stated above, fire codes are being changed by fire marshals throughout Florida to mandate the use of Click-2-Enter for new construction because of the integration the device allows for all the first responder services including fire rescue, police response, and ambulatory services. Gateworx hopes to get public building managers to consider installing Click-2-Enter technology on all gated access points to allow ease of access for emergency services and to reduce emergency response time whether or not the change has or will be mandated in their area.

Individuals interested in learning more about the services offered by GateWorx, Inc. should call 1 (800) 397-0502 to speak to one of our experienced engineers.

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