Chon Nguyen, Founder and CEO of Newgentek, appeared on Elevate, Inc. Today Podcast

Chon Nguyen, Founder and CEO of Newgentek, appeared on Elevate, Inc. Today episode 13. Nguyen shared his story of being a passionate, young entrepreneur, how he’s been involved within the Tampa Bay community, and what Newgentek has to offer.

Surrounding himself with his working father, Nguyen quickly gained his passion for business and innovation. At the young age of 16, Nguyen began his entrepreneurial path when he started consulting for his father’s peers that were in the car industry. He helped with building their network and solving issues that would arise. When graduating high school and forgoing college, Nguyen continued his work within the technology industry where he sold extended warranties on computer packages. During this time, Chon met many business leaders that hired him to install computer software systems, which is what sparked his lifelong passion for becoming a successful business leader.

“When I said to my parents ‘I want to get this certification’ and they supported it, I think that sort of put me down a path that if you want to accomplish something or get something done, just go after it and do it, and I’ve just been doing that since.”  – Chon Nguyen

Being born and raised in Tampa Bay, Chon always had a passion for bettering the community around him. He has been able to watch the transformation of technology and innovation throughout Tampa his whole life and gain insights on how he wanted to improve the industry and community. Nguyen has been able to make a lasting footprint on the fast-growing technology industry in our community by supporting businesses and providing them with technological solutions they need to continuously grow throughout Tampa Bay and beyond.

Newgentek is a hybrid manage service provider (MSP) and systems integrator. This company offers workplace technology, managed IT services, and a heavy concentration on hospitality restaurant/retail. Newgentek provides clients reliable, secure, easy-to-use, and scalable technology solutions. With the technology industry constantly innovating, Newgentek promises to stay focus on clients’ success and consider current and future IT needs when transforming a business. This company prioritizes the needs of their clients and provide systems and solutions that work best for the client.

To learn more about Newgentek, visit here:


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