Written by CEO Brian Sallee
1) Change lanes: even if you’re doing well (and especially if you’re not) – adjust something with your marketing – start running ads if you’re not, stop if they’re not converting, adjust & clarify your messaging.
2) Give back: there seems to be an overwhelming positivity amongst business owners – many businesses are giving credits, paying vendors early, waiving late fees, buying gift-cards from local restaurants that are closed: so be one of them! Find what you can LEGITIMATELY offer to customers and prospects and join the movement. Don’t worry about making money on this part, believe in karma a little bit here – what goes around, comes around.
3) Step-on-it: your competition is not, almost certainly (unless they’re taking our advice). Instead of going to ‘wait & see’ mode – try expansion mode: stocks, real-estate, & cars are cheap right now. So is market share, so go get some! Advertise, email, promote, blog, and call prospects.
4) Have fun. Being isolated sucks. But we’re all doing it. Try some fun in your marketing (within reason) – do some free training, throw a contest out there. It’s good for people to think positively of your brand
5) Measure, measure, measure. In real-estate, it’s all about ‘location’. In marketing, it’s all about measuring & ROI. If something is working, keep doing it. If it’s not, stop. Scrutinize your ads, blogs, social media clicks, tradeshow budgets, and make sure.